All-age (and children’s) resources for Easter 4: Acts 9:36-43

A series of puzzles etc on the story of Peter raising Tabitha (not so sure about all the “right answer” stuff). Could help occupy younger people during an adult sermon.

Eeh by gum II: Potted Jam have an amusing “Capernaum St” script for Peter and his wife related to the raising of Tabitha here

Walter Brueggemann provides some pithy material for a sermon or homily in “Blogging towards Sunday”

“Dorcas is the only woman in the NT who is called a disciple“. This fact could provide a springboard for a reflection on, and celebration of the ministry of women in the Anglican church, lay and ordained. Dorcas’ charitable work in sewing could suggest inviting members of the congregation to display their handcrafts.

Marty Haugen’s excellent modern hymn “Gather Us In” which includes the line we shall arise at the sound of our name would be very apt. It is also ideal as a lively opening hymn on any Sunday. It can be found in “Together In Song” (AHB II) number 474. N.B. The accompaniment requires a dextrous pianist/keyboard player. Here is an Australian congregation singing an extract. The text may be read here

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