Resourcing February 8

Hymns and songs focusing on the ministry of healing have been listed on this page today. The Jane Williams reflection help concerns our responses to the task of Proclamation and how we feel about that.

Another useful resource if you are stuck for musicians: 

This website has 400 accompaniments for well-known hymns and songs, many of which are free to download (and burn to CD, or whatever works). You can also subscribe for high-quality recordings, although what’s on offer will be adequate for many.


Reflection/action for December 28

This Jane Williams reflections page has been updated today. If you want to make use of the suggested congregational action/reflection you will need to do some preparation in advance as the entry makes clear (but not too much!)

The goal of this reflection is to remind us all that Christmas is a broader focus than the Christ-child: that the incarnation invites us all into the life of God as daughters and sons, if only we open ourselves to the Gift of God.

Christmas blessings,


Jane Williams on Advent 4

Click here for an application of Jane Williams’ interesting comparison between the First Testament reading and the Gospel for Advent 4. So, what’s wrong with a static nativity scene?

Greetings to all who will be wrestling with the familiar Advent/Christmas texts and seeking a fresh take on them this season!


Jane Williams for Year B

We have begun a new Jane Williams Reflections page for the new church year beginning November 30 (Year B, the Year of Mark). Questions and creative ideas for using Jane’s material are on this new page. This week’s focus is on spiritual practice associated with “staying awake” or “being fully present to the moment”.


Jane Williams, a correction

Jane Williams’ questions have been updated today, with a corrected date for the “Judgment of the Nations” reading (to 23 November) and a short but pointed set of questions for the Parable of the Investment (Talents) 16 November.

These readings bring us to the conclusion of Year A.


Updates and Eucharistic Prayers

Updates for Jane Williams’ reflection questions and ideas are posted through until November 16. Music lists are also available for all those dates, but the 16 November is a provisional list only, music-wise. There are some really good Youtube clips.


Did you know that there are many Eucharistic Prayers that you can use, including those authorized by Anglican Churches around the world? For example, Bosco Peters has provided a significant collection, including ones to use with children here .

There are two from the Church of England on this page. But do note that our NZ  prayers use language which is much more inclusive!

In the Diocese of Auckland, if you are creating liturgy, say, according to the rubrics on p.511ff), your Enabler should review it before use, or you can approach a bishop directly for approval.