Conference Music Available!

Some of you have been anticipating the availability of our demo tracks of the songs we learned at Conference this year. Thanks for your patience. I did promise them by Advent, and now they’re ready after digital editing and mastering to polish them up and make them as consistent as possible. We did a great job given the limits of time, setting and resources, supported by the talents of Josh Jones and Sandy Robertson.

Please use them to familiarize music groups and congregations, but don’t forget to have a suitable licence for reproducing words or music.

The two most used are: LicenSing  (more for mainline, liturgical congregations)

CCLI favoured by congregations with more contemporary worship song styles.

You can download the tracks individually from Soundcloud right now.

You can burn them to a CD using freeware. Here’s a page with some top recommendations .If you have ITunes, you can create a playlist, add the files, and burn to a CD very easily.

Please submit a comment if you have any difficulty accessing the material.

Here’s a sample:


Pentcost: Add the sound effect to your service!

We’ve created a “mighty rushing wind” (48 seconds) which you can preview and download for free! Scroll right to the bottom of this page and click to play, or right-click to download. To use this in church, you’ll probably need to connect the headphone jack to a stereo amplifier input, but if you’re really desperate, you could always hold a microphone to your laptop speakers, we mean, if you’re really really desperate!

Suggested use: Play the sound at the beginning of the service, or unannounced at the end of the first song/hymn, or as an overlay during or at the end of the Acts 2 reading.  You could also combine this with the old electric fan and coloured streamers trick…